Gala Games, a blockchain gaming platform, announced on November 16 that it has released the public preview build of its Web3-based open-world MMORPG, Mirandus.
Mirandus is an ambitious Web3 game project currently under development by Gala Games. It is a large-scale, open-world MMORPG integrating NFTs, with servers opening around the clock on November 15, U.S. local time. The game is available for download on PC, and any user holding an Exemplar NFT in their Gala Games inventory can participate.
Exemplars are exclusive NFT avatars in the world of Mirandus, available for purchase on third-party marketplaces, such as OpenSea and NFT Harbor.
Each race has unique abilities, but it is also divided into five different types with their own stories and skill sets. The Allsight Elves have keen eyes to foresee the near future, the Deep Mountain Dwarves have the ability to sense their surroundings in darkness, and the Evenstride Halflings can run long distances regardless of the terrain, to name a few.
Gala Games aims to gather user feedback on this public preview build and spur the development toward the official release.
"We are thrilled to unveil the public preview build of Mirandus, one of Gala Games' most ambitious projects, to our users,” stated a Gala Games representative. “ We are committed to providing the best experience for players to enjoy their adventure in the world of Mirandus, and will continue to work hard toward the official release,” he added.