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MetaPioneers launches new Feature: MPI Vault Dividend Rewards

MetaPioneers has launched a new feature program called the "MPI Vault Dividend Rewards” which offers dividend rewards to holders of Prospector NFT in Master Level who stake MPI to receive veMPI and get a share of the MPI vault dividend. The campaign period lasts 28 days and the dividend reward for each campaign will be distributed four times during this period. The first campaign will run from April 20th to May 18th, 2023, with an initial reward pool of 32,997 CAKE tokens.

MetaPioneers is a yield-generating NFT FI with a space adventure theme built on the Binance Smart Chain, and it represents a new paradigm for Utility NFT collection. Users can become captains and lead their fleets, recruiting prospectors to embark on interstellar expeditions. Various NFTs increase in value through the accumulation of earnings in their compound interest yield protocol.

According to the official Twitter account of MetaPioneers, the governance token of MetaPioneers, MPI, is publicly listed and available for trading on

For more information, check this official Twitter link:

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